Wharton GMAT Score

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What would be a good GMAT score for Wharton?

The University of Pennsylvania Wharton, is one of the most selected of many existing schools, with an acceptance rate of 19.2% and an income of 67.1% for 2,020. An average score, a profile that impresses the bench and if you do well, is what you will do to study at Wharton. Just focusing on having an average score is not all the long work for you to study at Wharton, but also focusing on essays, grading, letters of recommendation and some application requirements.

With a note to Wharton, having a high score is highlighted by other participants and the admissions bench. After all, what would be a good grade for Wharton? We prepare for you analysis each year of the average scores requested by Wharton.

Average GMAT score of MBA classes from 2014 to 2018.

YEAR 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Wharton GMAT SCORE 732 730 730 732 728

Exemplifying the table, it is quite visible that the average score is between 730-732. Just a score is not a guarantee that you will get, but that you will stand out from the rest. A candidate who has a higher than average score is an almost complete guarantee, after all he should only focus on the essays and letters of recommendation.

You focus on these other requests, it is something totally feasible for those looking to have security, and at MBA House you will find in addition to the preparatory course, we will do all the preparation of the tests, and the letters of recommendations, our admissions consulting bench is one of the better, and always succeeds, a big step for your home.